Dead Animals Reunite Old Friendships.

Recognize that poster above? Unless you have been living under a rock the past few weeks, chances are you have seen it everywhere you turn. That’s right; Ms.Veronika Part and Terry Dean Bartlett have officially taken over NYC.
I, for one, couldn’t be happier. Having known Terry since I was a six year old gay boy in the mountains of Montana (he recounted fond memories of me prancing around my house in a dress, boa and pumps at the age of seven) seeing him on these posters was the most I had been able to see him for years. New York has a way of eating your time even when you are doing nothing and all of a sudden those people you thought you would see all the time have been missing for over a year. Terry and I had been playing My Space tag (phone tag just doesn’t exist anymore) for about five months now. Well last night we FINALLY met up at the trendy hidden restaurant “Freeman’s” in the Lower East Side.

As much as I wish I were a connoisseur of fabulous eateries around the city, I am a picky prude when it comes to food. I tend to rehash restaurants more than I would like but am trying to step out of that Chipotle comfort zone. So I, along with Terry, his boyfriend Jeff and my sister Carson, snuck down a little alley to escape from the city insanity for a few hours.
The minute we stepped inside I felt like I was back in Montana. Well, kind of. The walls were adorned with dead animals stuffed in poses oddly resembling real life. Ah, comfort. For a minute I thought there really was a boar about to eat me, then I realized it didn’t have a body. Close call.
Sometimes I get tired of being around dancers but then I realize that when I use that term it usually means ballet dancers. It’s tough surrounding yourself with people who do the exact same thing as you, regardless of whether that is dance or not. Being in the company of Terry (who is a fabulous modern dancer with Streb), Carson and Jeff (who while not a dancer, can more than hold his own when dissecting works) I felt refreshed. Dance is an incredible form of expression and being able to sit and talk about it is refreshing as long as something unique is brought to the table.

Terry and my sister both experience so much dance that I was fascinated with every bit of the conversation. Hearing about Streb’s technique and how it is every bit as detailed as a ballet syllabus made me long for the chance to see them again. I need to get my tickets for their City Center show and I urge everyone to do the same.
The longer I sat there last night I just got confused at how closed off the ballet world is. Terry seems to know endless amounts of people and is out there working all the time. On top of Streb, he produces his own show at P.S. 122 called “Dance Off!” which I will hopefully have the chance to be a part of in the future. It was exciting having him ask me if I was working on anything at the moment and I could actually give a hesitant yes for once! “Snow” is still a work in progress, and I am searching out new music to work on a duet. If anyone has any recommendations, send them my way PLEASE!

The whole night felt a little movie-esque. Between the alley that very well might have been a set, the orgy of rats on the street and the reuniting of old relationships I left feeling elated. I was just waiting for the music to start as I sped off in my taxi. Unlike the animals on the walls, the night was very much alive and left me with a smile on my face. Can it get much better than that simplicity?
P.S. Thanks to Jeff for all of the pictures for this blog!!! What kind of blogger am I going out without my camera!? Shame on me.
P.P.S Freemans was pretty good. Great energy inside, some good food (although not my favorite steak) and crazy taxidermied animals. What more could you ask for?!
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