"Well, I GOT IT!"

I had mentioned in my last blog how I needed to get to the gym the second I got back to the city. While I was able to accomplish that, but I have now gotten the most intense work out I could imagine. For the past 24 hours I have had the flu and have been on a strict diet of jello, coke, applesauce, puke, repeat. My abs feel fabulous!!!
On a more serious note, I felt that I was somewhat obligated to blog a little bit tonight since I have been sitting around my apartment doing nothing but watch TV for the past 24 hours. So for now I am going to demand that everyone keep their fingers crossed for Valerie Cherish (aka Lisa Kudrow) to win the Emmy tonight. I doubt it will ever happen but if it does I will muster up the energy in my flu ridden state to jump up and scream. Another special shout out needs to go to "Arrested Development" for continuously being the funniest show I have ever watched. Of course, both of these brilliant shows were cancelled but that's the crappy state of entertainment that we live in.
With the arrival of the Emmys and the fact that it has been dusk like all day here (the world knew I was going to get sick so that really helped me sleep) we are officially being ushered into Fall. It's a strange feeling slowly winding down from summer and looking back on the past year. Even though I don't have a typical "school year" calendar anymore I base the end of my year on the beginning of another work period. I always create a set of goals for myself each year and I rarely accomplish any of them. This year I have actually crossed one of my list, the creation of a piece of choreography!!! I have only been saying I was going to do that for about 3 years now and now once I have started I keep wanting to do more. So what are my "New Fall Resolutions" going to be this year?
1. Watch Valerie Cherish Win
2. Does anything else matter right now!?
3. Asking the forgiveness of the readers for indulging in my flu induced stupor blog. I promise I will have SOMETHING more exciting to say soon. After these drugs wear off!
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