Have You Lost Your Leg Recently?

Falling into the "what the fuck" category here is a picture of an ad I saw on the subway the other day. Riding up to the Met every morning this week I found myself borderline comatose for the morning commute. As I stared in a glazed daze at the numerous ads that adorn the subway car walls I couldn't help but laugh at this one. Everyone has lost something at some point, but can anyone really misplace a prosthetic leg?! Apparently the MTA thinks so. Look dead center in this picture and along with the dentures, boomerangs and wallets there lies the leg that you conveniently misplaced the other day while riding the subway. Now apparently it didn't hit you that you had lost it until you walked up the stairs and out of the station but now you know the number to call for it! So worry no more! Thanks MTA!
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Matt. Love the new observations but the photo on this post doesn't show up in my browser. Wonder why?
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