
Sometimes you just need to put on a little Regina Spektor and dance around your apartment. It's like Dimetapp... except it tastes better. I recommend it any time you are in the need to smile. "Hotel Song" (available on my iMix) is the PERFECT choice. The picture above reflects this idea although it came out a bit more morbid than anticipated. I’ve been decapitated. That's what playing with the self-timer on your digital camera will get you.
WARNING: This is probably going to sound a lot more melodramatic than it is supposed to.
Why do relationships have to have highs and lows? That seems to be the voice of my inner 5 year old coming out in search of the answers no one has. As much as I realized that it is the ebb and flow of life that makes us who we are, right now I just don't want to accept it. Watching the movie "Little Manhattan" the other day made me aware that we struggle very similarly throughout our life, only we can't just kick someone in the shins when we are older and there isn't quite as much at stake when we are young though it may seem so. I can still feel the place where Jacqui Tucker (my 7th grade girlfriend) kicked me in the shins, and boy was she smart to do so. Maybe it was her way of saying she knew I was gay. Perhaps I should have used that technique more when it was acceptable. Now I am getting way off topic (what's new?) so where was I? Ah yes, relationships....
Be it purely friendship, romantic, the love between you and your pet...whatever, it can all be a little rocky at times. It seems there is an inherent faith that things will just get better. You keep holding on for that phone call, that held hand, or that happy bark you know is lurking somewhere in the universe just for you but where does this faith come from? Perhaps it's just a survival mechanism, who knows? Sometimes you just need to let go of things as frustrating as that may seem. Here I am preaching to myself by way of the blogo again but sometimes I just gotta go there.
For me it all just has to do with letting go of the idea of controlling a situation. The struggle for control will always get people in trouble and willing something to happen (or not happen for that matter) just isn't enough. To a certain extent (even though I don't believe in cosmic forces Blinky Palermo) maybe events really are just out of our control most of the time. This is the second dose of vagueness this week....and I can't promise it will be the last.
Or we could all just make like Britney Spears and divorce the dead weight. FINALLY. I mean, I really, really just didn't see that coming.
Finally: Just a little picture shout out to Jessamabob. When messing around with self timer this happened. I'm translucent, how emo is that?

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