Costumes. Again.

Halloween is almost a redundant holiday for anyone in the performing arts. I spend all year dressing up in the most elaborate and expensive costumes I could dream of so anything at Halloween should seem like a letdown. Yet somehow I am always impressed by the costumes that the members of ABT come up with in the limited time between rehearsals. Procrastination is something that infects every holiday for me but Halloween seems to be the worst. From the look of the line stretching around the block at Ricky's by my apartment, I am not the only one.
This year my first thought was to be Britney Spears from her Dateline interview. I was going to create the whole outfit and have a baby doll dragging on the ground tied to my wrist. Perhaps another attached to my bulging breast. Just a few ideas that I was tossing around. With Jackie as my Kevin Federline we would have been as indestructible as their indefatigable love. Unfortunately gross mini-skirts and ugly maternity clothes proved difficult to find and I was unwilling to do it if it wasn't trailer trash perfection.
Idea number two was to be Sofia Coppola. This was something I was looking forward too but felt too few people would get it. I was going to slouch around in a gross black dress with droopy hair and a knife stabbed into a copy of a "Marie Antoinette" book. Perhaps blood dripping from my mouth? Classic in my mind, boring to others. Abandoned.
Both of those ideas embody the classic joy of Halloween to me; an excuse for gay men to dress in drag and for women to dress like sluts. With the Britney idea I was combining the two! What could be better? Really slamming it out of the park but I guess there is always next year.

(Blaine, turning 21 yesterday, enforces the no drinking laws on the underage students.)
Plan C was what came to fruition. I went cliched Halloween and was a nerd. No nerd in particular just vague, clothes out of my closet, nerd. I was pleasantly surprised when people seemed to enjoy the costume seeing as it was all things I owned already plus a few items from the "nerd kit" found at Ricky's. Finding a fanny pack proved to be almost as difficult as finding logic in the Bush administration (okay that was a stretch.) Like all things though, with persistence comes success and I found a god awful banana yellow fanny pack right across the street from my apartment (the last place i looked.) Now, does anyone else find a need to revive fanny packs because after sporting one all night I must say they are alarmingly practical. Want a camera? BAM! Fanny pack. Want money? BAM! Fanny pack. Want a dancing midget? BAM! Oh wait.....

(Marcelo, as a ballet teacher, attempts to give us some pointers. I am a defiant nerd which of course is the only way to go.)

(The group poses together but everyone works the camera in their own way.)
Let us all take a blogosecond to rave about Kenny Easter's fabulous party. The pirate theme was a complete smash as was the group of people. Unfortunately it was as dark as a medieval dungeon in there so I couldn't get a picture to do it justice but let's just say it was miles beyond a normal house party. Bravo Easter Bunny! Hope everyone enjoys the pictures!

(Patrick works some Pirate Voodoo Insanity and he's not even in costume!)

(This was the norm last night. Elaborate to say the least.)

(Just a little mid-party dinner break. Could I be more colorful? I'm the Gay Pride Flag Nerd.)

(After returning to the party, Marcelo attempted to kill me. Just a routine day at the office.)
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