Wednesday, October 04, 2006

First Rough Run....

The video below is of Blaine and I's run today of my piece debuting at "Dance Off!" next week. It's still rough around the edges and there is one section in particular that is not ready. Regardless of whether everything is set or not, we have to start running it through because the show is less than a week away. After so much time off, the stamina is pretty down for everyone so we have to build it back up quickly!

I am bi-polar about the piece right now. Sometimes I like parts of it and other times I think its a disaster; I guess that's the glory of creation!! The music is so difficult and layered that I feel as if it almost demands constant movement. Finding slow moments or phrasing in it has been difficult for me. As you might be able to tell.

My favorite part of this video is the music heard from the other studio before we begin which is quickly interrupted by the harsh strings. Afterwards is pretty funny too with some great music and camera work by Ms. Marian Butler. Blaine and I even have synchronized roll-overs. Watch at your own risk.

Now I just need to name it. Argh!


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