Late Night Diner Trips.

Okay, so let's get one thing straight; I DO NOT HANDLE THE HEAT WELL. That became painfully obvious yesterday as I stomped around Soho with David and slowly started melting into a huge puddle. What started as a day of shopping and catching up quickly turned into a race to find the next store with industrial air conditioning (I highly recommend Crate and Barrel on Houston with its freezer-like temperature) and I looked through the products with a heat glaze over my face. So while I should be out enjoying this weather, the 100 degree temperature is prompting me to just sit in my cool apartment and write a little bit, as well as watch horrible shows on "E!" and play the new Sufjan Stevens CD over and over again. Ah! Summer has officially arrived.

With that arrival comes the fact that I have NO idea what to do with myself. Friends of mine are slowly making their exits from the city and my "End of Met" coma seems to be lifting a bit today but as the veil comes off the world I am seeing is one of sensory overload! Days start whenever I want them to and can be navigated in any variety of ways. I am living a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book. I look through the papers and find an endless assortment of things I could go and see, but where to start! I think the beginning is going to be a French Film playing at IFC called "Gabrielle" which I stumbled upon this morning as I woke in a haze from the events last night.

It was just one of those nights (similar to my "Spontaneous Debauchery" episode a few months back) where my best friends and I gathered at my apartment and it just took off from there. We played Charades and acted like idiots which felt GREAT. I hadn't laughed that hard for as long as I can remember (at least not during Met) and now I don't have to go to the gym because my abs already got a work out! I realized that the fun of being off can really just be summed up by late night diner trips with a group of people you love. The pictures are the proof.
well, if you are looking for things to do now to fill your time, and you want to check out something *completely* different than a foreign film...
Come to a burlesque show tomorrow night (thurs).
I promise its fun! Not enlightening, or good as "dance," but entertaining and often funny.
Starshine Burlesque, Rififi, (11th st betw 1st and 2nd) 10pm, $5.
If you come, say hi!
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