The Disintegration of the Blog and the Blog Photo Shoots.

So I do not know what has gotten into me this week. All I know is that I have been spending enough money to feed most families on a daily basis and have nothing to show for it. Cities have a way of literally eating your money as the day progresses as if you were shredding it up. Well I can't say that I have nothing to show for it, just nothing physical. I did spend a lot of quality time with people that I hadn't hung out with in a long time. There were several Uno's dinners and many rooftop conversations that made me laugh harder than I have in recent memory. I felt like it had been forever since I had hung out with Lara and Blaine and Daniel and this was much needed time.

There are certain people that you know will always be in your life and sometimes you take that for granted (do you like me pointing the finger at the illustrious "you" when I really am referring to myself?). I have always had a hard time being a truly good friend to everyone. I tend to gravitate towards several people and without knowing it leave another set of people out. It has nothing to do with my love for one or the other, I am just really bad at managing friendships sometimes. I have struggled with working at this over the past years yet at twenty years old it is still something I am wrestling with. For someone that is such a loner in many respects it is easy for me to simply go days without hanging out with anyone. This has gotten me working on some new writing this week which probably explains why I haven't blogged as much. The new set of lyrics I am working on deals with expectations placed on yourself and the struggle of maintaining self expectation when the world around you has stopped placing them on you. I guess that is part of being an adult and self-motivating. Procrastination does not agree with me and still I find myself doing it all the time. I will get this done tomorrow, I will call that person tomorrow, I will get off the couch and create some other day. Its that seed of laziness that creeps into everyone at some point that I am trying to banish. That is what this song is about. Now it may seem like I am about to put this online for everyone to read but that is not the case. It's not ready yet.

I also just received an email saying that in the fall there is going to be an opportunity for students in the LIU/ABT program (the college program that I procrastinate my way through) to present choreography at a theater on that campus. This is exactly what I need. A deadline to make myself really get this choreography going. I have still not progressed past the 40 seconds that I have done so far and I really don't even like that stuff so much. It might be back to square one for me.
Tonight I am going see some new choreography that I am very excited about. It's a collaboration between Stephen Petronio and Rufus Wainwright. I saw this choreographers work last year and was intrigued by it but this program tonight is the kind of thing that would be MY dream collaboration. An original piece of work by a pop music writer with more artistic flair than all of pop radio combined. Keep your fingers crossed. I will post about it later.
Well it's off to Blaine and Lara's for brunch now! I feel like I have been living uptown this week! Craziness!

P.S. would like to do a little shout out to a new fellow blogger. Of course this site that David is going to be blogging on is MUCH higher profile than my little production here but check it out. Should be developing in the following weeks!
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