Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Six Things....

Ok, the rules are, once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with six weird thing/habits about yourself. In the end, you need to find six other people to tag and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment on their page saying "you've been tagged" and tell them to read your blog.

1. Everytime I turn off the shower I have to run my feet underneath the faucet as the water drains off. Its a weird superstition of mine that I for some reason think wards off bad occurrences.

2. Even around my closest friends, sometimes I feel my chest caving in because I get nervous. Not nervous because I am uncomfortable around them but nervous because I worry that things will change and our relationship will be affected. Change freaks me out too much sometimes.

3. Sometimes I will dance around my apartment for abnormal amounts of time. I like to pretend its because I am choreographing, but its really just me being crazy.

4. Whenever there is silence in a conversation I find myself covering it with "what's up?". I don't know Matt, what is up? Did it change from five minutes ago?

5. I tend to naturally react when seeing people with a weird jokey quizzical one-eyebrow lift. Across the studio at barre, when I first see them in the morning, even if I saw them five minutes ago. Its a weird habit that I do without even thinking about it.

6. I walk around the city and visualize how I would film it if I were making a movie. I feel like I am editing my world around me all the time and processing it like it were on screen. Can't really explain that one that well, you would have to be in my head for it.

7. One last one, I enjoy freaking people out with how quickly I can text message....even though its a sad sad talent.

Tagging: Lara, David, Blaine, Jackie, Katie, Jenna. Do it on myspace.


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