Monday, April 03, 2006

Three Movies To Watch This Week....

So I am sitting here staring at my DVD collection and have decided to post my first "three movies to watch" recomendations for people that really don't care. Ah, the things boredom will do to you.

1. Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Perhaps my favorite movie musical. Incredible story. Incredible performances. Incredible Songs. If you haven't seen this then I highly suggest you rent it, or come borrow one of my two copies (have no idea why I have two).

2. Brokeback Mountain
I know, how typical right? Well I am STILL not over my anger that this lost Best Picture, but it comes out on DVD tomorrow so everyone needs to show the love and see it. I understand that a lot of people didn't like it the first time, but the second time is SO much better. I just connected to the charcters so much more, the silence and bareness of it wasn't as strange as it first seemed and you realize what an amazing job Ang Lee did with every single detail of this movie.

3. Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion
Had to throw something stupid and fun in here. This is one my FAVORITE MOVIES to watch whenever I need a little pick me up. Did anyone watch the sequel on ABC Family? Don't worry, I didn't either.


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