A Six Feet Under Day...and Some Pictures!

Well its almost been a week since I posted, and I know that all of you are clamoring for more BS to read! As I am sitting here enjoying a little Six Feet Under Marathon. I don't have too much to talk about but the one thing that everyone needs to know is NEVER PICK UP A HITCH HIKER! If you have seen Six Feet you know what I am talking about. It's an incredible show but this season that I am in the middle of is a complete contradiction to the weather outside. It's dark and gloomy while the weather outside is incredible sunny and prompts you to kind of forget about life for a few minutes and just enjoy. Definitely NOT the Fischer family.
Easter has come and gone and my Easter weekend was fairly un-holiday-ish. Took a really long walk the other night for about two hours around the village and Soho and had some of the best people watching experiences in a long time. The juxtaposition from the East side to the West side was kind of startling and funny. On one side you your hipsters and on the other you have a little bridge and tunnel action on a Saturday night. I was amazed at all of the amazing places to eat and was once again reminded of how much I under-utilize this city. Which prompted me to start writing something for the first time in a long while. I have decided that this piece of writing I want to take time to work and rework instead of just writing it and then filing it in my pile of crappy first drafts. I went to a new coffee shop tonight around the corner from me. So nice to have a new huge coffee shop that ISN'T starbucks. And to add to the happiness there was a really hot guy working behind the counter who was being a bit of a flirt. Hmm....might have to become a regular there. Some graffiti for you to enjoy from my walk.

My actual Easter night was spent at Craig's doing a little celebrating and the night was capped off by witnessing a little riot action in Times Square. Our cab stopped on 42nd street as people flooded off of the block in a horde of teenagers running everywhere. Some were laughing while others looked genuinely scared. Cops were everywhere and one had just been beaten up. Makes you realize that even when you gentrify and Disney up Times Square there is no escaping the rowdiness that is magnetized to 42nd Street. I heard there was a stabbing and some gang fighting going on which prompted the closure and lock down of the street for the evening. Kind of unheard of but a nice "welcome to New York" for all of those families leaving "The Lion King." Here is my papparazzi pic of David and Craig from the party....random but I enjoy it. The picture above is a little elevator self portrait by David Long Arms.

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