Sunday In Dream Land.

After a long week of fighting off the most debilitating cold I have ever had, I journeyed out into the real world yesterday with Sir David. We started at Think! Coffee, my favorite coffee house that has been overcome by NYU-ers. Give it back to me, NOW! I never have been one of those people who feels like they “discovered” anything in the city but Think! was my first. I wandered in one day last year right after it’s grand opening and plopped myself down far away from the three other patrons in there. It stayed that way for about the next month of my visits and provided a haven for me to write and relax outside of my apartment. Upon returning from summer, Think! has become an NYU birdfeeder and everyone and their Mac’s have invested it. I must call the exterminator.
Okay, now that I am done with my delirious Monday morning rant I will get down to actual business. Is there ever any actual business on a blog?! Yesterday was just what I needed, an aimless excursion with David. However as we walked around it became evident that what was once our “random” activity of the weekend had become routine. As far as Soho goes, I now feel like I have been there, done that, way too frequently. It’s amazing walking around downtown how one block can be a circus of activity while just around the corner there is a quiet sanctuary.

(A beautiful area that was open for the day with my new favorite tree that I will probably never see again.)
It’s amazing how quickly randomness can become routine. In our land of constant innovation and change, doing the same thing a few times in a row seems bland in its comfort. As we hit our favorite spots of the Lower East Side, the conversation was new and great, but the footsteps were the same. Although we do always seem to find something new and exciting when we are out. My personal find yesterday would have to be in a “leather” shop where they had a knee high stiletto boot that was a pointe shoe with a 6 inch heel. I kid you not, that shit looked like the most painful shoe ever. Needless to say, I would not want to be its Cinderella.

(David actually started doing the "Cinderella" Clock Choreography down the street. I pretended he was some crazy New Yorker and I was a tourist who snapped a picture and then ran away in fear.)
I guess all of this has been fairly pointless chatter today but it prompts a question in my head. Is being comfortable with routine a sign of yourself being boring or yourself relaxing in a good way? Doesn’t that question just blow your mind?! Just kidding. Here is something that might though before I sign off for the day…..
Minutes before writing this, I woke up from a dream that included an obese witch doctor-ish George Clooney and Brad Pitt. We were at some bookstore party (you know, one of THOSE blasts) in North Carolina. Things get more ridiculous from there but let’s just say the only hint of reality was that I was attempting to get a blog photo of them. George in all his voodoo hair glory was kind but Brad refused. Can’t take pictures until gay people are allowed to get married, huh Brad? Ugh I hate when dream celebrities are bitches.
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