The Fugitive Snow.

Well, it’s 1 Am here and I have officially had my first bout of restlessness due to this choreography. I find that I become inspired at the most random times and tonight I decided to take a hold of that randomness and film it. There I was watching “The Fugitive” on TBS when suddenly I thought “SNOW QUEEN” and just spewed out what I wanted her to do for her first solo.
I had been struggling with it in the studios all day and then at the end of the night it hit me. Earlier I was becoming too repetitious with my movement vocabulary and decided I needed to take a break before I just got angry at myself.
So far I have about three minutes solidly “sketched” out including parts for the corps, soloists, Queen, King and Clara. As I add in each part I find myself just falling back on things that I have already choreographed and recycling things but then tonight I think I was able to incorporate movement of the corps but make it a little more powerful, demanding and different for the Snow Queen. I want it to be cohesive but not identical movement happening throughout. Then again I have NO idea what level girl I am going to be setting this on, so I may have over-choreographed it. Oh well, it’s a start.
As it gets more and more complicated I have started using pennies in place of my corps and soloist girls in my notebook. It’s the best way I can visualize the movement formations though it’s nowhere near as good as seeing a person in front of you. With Abraham Lincoln on the paper, ABT corps in my head, and no one in front of me….I am slightly discombobulated. Just leave it to Harrison Ford to spark that clarity. Odd.
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