Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mmmmm.....Traveling is my favorite.

There is something about traveling that just brings out the worst in everyone. From the minute you set foot inside an airport it's as if everyone is a bounty hunter and the airport workers are the prey. Now I will admit (as my friends constantly tell me) that I am not ALWAYS the best at dealing with service workers (i.e. airport personnel) but compared to the people around me today I looked like the Pope. The day started with people around me rolling their eyes, shooting dirty looks and verbally assaulting the workers at Laguardia; I should have foreseen that this day of travel was going to be f-in ROUGH.

You see, I am writing this blog entry from a room in a Holiday Inn in Minneapolis that smells like my Grandfathers old house. Now as fond as that memory is to share with everyone, it's pretty much just smoke, more smoke and a dash of ashtray. Bottle it. Sell it. Sephora could make millions with "Po Dunk Hotel" the new perfume from J.Lo.

I am one of those people that would much rather travel alone than with people, so as you can imagine traveling with the company often results in living my worst nightmare. Now that I am having this day traveling alone and having to do all of my rearrangements myself I realize how spoiled I am to have the Company Mangers always doing all of that for me on tour. I did a great job at dealing with it though, if I do say so myself. Judging from the breakdowns happening at the re-booking desk I was probably one of the more sane people there. I know for sure that I was surviving better than the couple behind me with three kids under the age of 5 and no way to access their bags. You could practically see the blood vessels exploding in the mothers eyes. Understandable. There is something very lonely about a smelly hotel room in Minneapolis where the only view is a Perkins parking lot dumpster. I need my family!

So what is it about traveling that brings out the absolute worst in everyone? And why do people feel like they have the right to talk back to people behind the counter that had literally nothing to do with their faltering travel plans? Yet we all do it, the attitude comes out of the best of us in situations like this. Perhaps the airport is just an instant magnification of everyone's worst qualities, the ones that we bury deep down until those special travel days. Or berating people behind a counter that are not allowed to talk back is a cowards way to take out aggression, so we all do it.

Whatever the answer is, I know that I cannot wait to get to spend just a FEW more hours in an airport. While I was going to have a super blog adventure and go to the Mall of America tomorrow (when I was supposed to have to be here until 9 pm) I am going to have to pass cause I actually get to go home in the morning. So as tantalizing as Lego Land sounded, I will just have to settle with some Fear Factor as the Cheerleaders pow-wow outside of my hotel room door. I'm in lifetime limbo right now, stuck between my two homes (which one is the real home now?! More on that later) but now it's time for some the only Subway that Minneapolis has to offer; a sandwich. Thought you all might like to see the beautiful art hanging above my head at this time. Cherish it.


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