
Well "The Winger," a fellow blog in case you have been living under a rock, has a good thing coming to it. David Hallberg has finally gotten a Mac! After a little prying and convincing (for about a year) David finally got the courage to journey to the Mac Side yesterday afternoon and take the plunge...purchashing his first real computer. Now, now, now, don't get all upset if you have a PC.....I was just raised on Mac so in a way its like a religion or political view (I kind of just followed my parents guidance but know it was the right choice all along) and I have eagerly been converting people ever since I was able to. Mission accomplished! This picture was taken in the Mac store on one of the beautiful new MacBook's. Congrats are a man.

After a little afternoon shopping we went up to Central Park to enjoy a true New York experience, listening to a concert in Central Park that we didn't pay for. There aren't many places where you can just decide at the last minute to go and listen to Damien Rice and Fiona Apple play but that's the glory of being in the Big Apple. As we walked into the park there was a flood of people journeying over to the East Side to park it on the extremely uncomfortable woodchip field outside of SummerStage. Unfortunately we arrived at the very end of Damien Rice's set (which David had come for) but from what we heard he sounded great. Then we had about an hour to people watch and let me just say that this was the prime location for the crazies to come out.
First there was the man walking around making a killing selling beer from a bag and frantically glancing over his shoulder as he made each transaction. There was the aroma of weed coming from all angles as people just lit up right in the park....hmmm slightly risky I would think! Then there were the New York families that had a baby strapped on the front of the dad, a young child and a dog perched on a blanket with their frisbee's and their newspaper. And last but certainly not least there was Wrench Woman.
Had I not been totally afraid I was going to get beaten with the wrench I would have taken a picture because lord knows I was dying to. It started innocently enough (or so I thought, apparently David saw her verbally attack someone who wouldn't give her a cigarette) but it quickly escalated into one of the most hilarious/frightening disruptions I have ever encountered. As Fiona Apple took the stage and shrieked and groaned her way through a set of underwhelming performances, Wrench Woman set up shop beside a giant tree. First she started shouting "You all don't know the pain! We'll see who has the last laugh! Fucking great, fucking great! I'm the messiah, I'm gonna crucify ya" and other fun slogans like that. I was convinced that she must be attempting to do some cult-ish resurrection or conversion so I was all ears. David and I would be mid conversation and then she would start and we would immediately turn our attention to see what fun words of wisdom she would spew next.
Well after the words came the wrench. She pulled it out of her bag and just kept hitting it against her hand menacingly gazing around, for a victim maybe?! Occasionally she would point it at someone and say something like "you'll be sorry you stupid arrogant American assholes" or something equally as sweet and then would hit it on the tree behind her head. If only Fiona could have been as entertaining! Inevitably the cops came and asked her to leave to which she preached a few parting words about the end of the world and such. Thankfully my friend Caitlin arrived in time to see a few moments of the show outside the show.

So we lingered around for the remainder of the lackluster screeching from Fiona and I introduced friends to each other which is always good feeling. There is always that nervousness when you first cross groups of friends where you question if they will like each other. My friend Jess has this theory that friendship is transitive meaning if I am so close to two individual people then chances are they will be close as well. Most of the time I find that to be true, but not always. Fortunately we ended up having a good time before journeying back to the Mac Store on 5th avenue.

Mac is working overtime (literally 24/7/365) to get this new store off the ground. Its really incredible looking from outside as you can see, and the spiral staircase and elevator inside are pretty amazing. But then again, I don't need a conversion....I've been a die hard for a while now. Hmmm....maybe my next Mac Convert should have been Wrench Lady! Damn, missed that opportunity.

There are other computers besides macs? ;)
Good work with converting David, can't wait to see his posts from the new computer.
What did he get anyway?
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