Wha' Happened?! Vol. 2

In an ongoing addition to my site that began with an exploration about the transformation of Britney Spears….here is the next in the series “Wha’ Happened?!”
While searching through my cluttered desk the other day I came upon this interesting find. I think this had to have been in maybe 1996?! It was one of my first ballet performances and I was a bug catcher in "Flying Fireworks," a ballet about the local carousel. Pictured with me is one of my best friends from childhood, Erica, with whom I did my first pas and later ended up at NCSA with. I think that shirt is probably bigger than anything in my current wardrobe...I was so cool with by bowl cut and glasses.

Underneath it on my desk was this picture of me doing "Cinderella" this year taken by Gene Schiavone. Standing to my right is one of my best friends Jackie. I don't even know if I could fathom the idea of ABT at the age I was at in the first picture yet somehow I think I probably acted just about the same at 10 as I do now. Wha Happened?! Ah, memories! Frightening at times but usually put a smile on your face. Why am I putting this blackmail out here?!
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