Hazard: Weekend Warnings.

You might find yourself looking at the picture above and thinking "What the hell is going on?" and that would probably be a common reaction. To answer the question that your brain is posing; my friends and I decided today while in Duane Reade that it would be fun to buy this creepy looking face masks that cost $1.99 and promised to "revitalize, refresh and excite!" your face in a mere five minutes. Well, a little warning to everyone out there....don't ever buy one of these masks. After having some fun taking pictures and enjoying what I thought was a normal tingling sensation we removed the masks to find that it had burned my face! The tingling was actually my skin searing off and I had huge circles left under my eyes of pastey-whiteness where the mask hadn't covered. Fortunately the discoloration has evened a little bit as the night went on but my face still feels burnt. Put this on the list of things to never do.
Oh and one more warning coming from the land of grossness via Montana correspondence. My dad apparently came home from fishing yesterday with a huge leech sucking his blood on his leg. Unbeknownst to him he had this "plum sized" creature sucking his blood the whole drive home. Pretty thought isn't it? So my weekend warning is this: Listen to your body because if it feels like something is burning you or sucking your blood, chances are you are right and should fix it ASAP. Ah, words of wisdom I know.
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