A Peek at Manon. (Kinda starring Adrienne....Again).

Since I wasn't on tonight for our opening of "Manon" I thought I would play company photographer! I did my best to capture the moments behind the curtain of Acts One and Two.
Tonight's show was nothing short of spectacular as Julio and Alessandra danced their second to last show together. I stood in the wings that were packed with other company members to witness the epitome of expressive and honest emotional dancing. As a pair these two just look at each other and you feel the energy even in the smallest exchange. Standing so close in the wings and watching the incredible focus that they both have not only with each other but with the entire company is inspiring to say the least.

(Adrienne and Jackie before Act One)

(Jeff gives the camera some love as a lowly beggar)

(As does Mr. Jared Matthews)
"Manon" is probably best known for its pas de deux's and the reception that they garnered tonight was amazing. After the bedroom pas the audience continued to applaud for the entire scene afterwards. I turned to Marcelo in the wings and we both just kind of melted at how beautiful they were dancing. I know I have said this before but after tonight I REALLY cannot fathom what Thursday is going to be like! Enjoy the pictures! Some of them are blurry but I wanted to try to catch a few of Alessandra and Julio.

(Adrienne's head almost falls off as I get wrapped up in her love)

(But she puts it back on in time for her and Marcelo to give the camera some sass)

(A final blurry shot of Alessandra and Julio in Act Two).
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