Creepiest. Thing. Ever.
I just got back from the theater and along with more comments on the debate going on over the post below, I had this video in my inbox. This is something that has been floating around for a little over a year now but it never ceases to stun and scare me. It has a way of inducing horror and excitement all at once, kind of like Liza Minnelli. Now, what I am about to say has NOTHING to do with the little girl in the video because she's young and yada yada yada, basically sums up what I think is wrong with dance in this country. I personally am not a fan of dance competitions and the fact that this girl is dancing like a 30 year old Jon Benet (and is 9) is reason enough for her parents to be taken on Maury for child abuse. Okay, I'm exaggerating. Just watch for yourself. I think she does 11 pirouettes and one point. The one lesson I have learned from this is that I will immediately be calling to get myself a platform with my name spelled out in sparkly letters. You know, just to dance on in my apartment.
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