Could This Be The Answer We Have All Selfishly Waited For?

I think I might have psychic abilities! Okay, that statement is false. I just find it an odd coincidence that a mere 48 hours ago I was thinking about Jon Benet Ramsey for some unknown reason and thinking how sad it is that we will never know exactly what happened. Then I turn on my computer this morning and they have made an arrest.
Now it’s strange that any of us care this much about a single murder case because, let’s be honest, murder happens every day but in the media saturated world we live in some murders become more important than others. Between O.J and Jon Benet, in the past ten years America has become fascinated with some of the most confusing unsolved mysteries in history. With our inquisitive and greedy nature comes the need to find out the answers to these seemingly impossible crimes that have nothing to do with our own lives.
While the crime itself is a horrible and tragic thing part of me finds the burden of the crime almost more heartbreaking. With the O.J. case there were the families of both victims that had to deal with the fact that the man that almost every piece of evidence pointed to was found not guilty. In the Jon Benet case there was the fact that every piece of evidence seemed to point towards involvement of the Ramsey family in some sense.
This morning a man has admitted his guilt in the murder of the 6 year-old Jon Benet and in turn taken the glare off of the family for the first time. Although for me his use of the phrase “I was in love with her,” as a motive is just further proof that child beauty pageants most definitely deserve the glare they have gotten after her murder.
For ten years the world has looked onto the Ramsey family with at the least a suspicion of guilt if not accusations of murder. It all brings up the idea of how quickly a reputation can be tarnished. My heart is torn for this family who, if they indeed had no part in the murder (look at me STILL doubting their innocence), have never been able to move on from the death of their daughter. Everywhere they go their history follows them.
If someone has a vendetta for someone else all it takes is consistency and fortitude to make sure that person is brought down. Even with minor rumors things can be blown out of proportion in such a way that all of a sudden falsities are gospel truth. Before people are able to set things straight the rumor has snowballed out of control.
There will be people that forever believe that O.J. or the Ramsey’s are guilty no matter who steps forward. I have felt the pain of rumors but I cannot imagine the pain if those rumors were being followed by the media. Then again, I have never been involved in a murder case, but either way it is just heartbreaking to think about.
How does one even begin to recover from tragic events such as this? Can you salvage your life when the whole world is looking on? I find people in the company struggling to salvage their reputation when even just the whole of ABT gets a hold of some piece of rumor (or truth). It’s a vicious cycle and the only thing I can conclude from this is to boycott child beauty pageants…….
But can I still endorse the movie “Little Miss Sunshine?”
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