Sylvia Arrives....

We are in the middle of a strange week at Met, a rare one in fact, where we are putting on two different ballets within 6 days. Add to that the fact that we had today (the 4th) COMPLETELY off and something just feels really amiss. I am getting ancy to be on vacation as the end creeps into sight. This home stretch though seems like it is going to be fairly stressful however I know I will make it though. Last night "Sylvia" arrived and I got a few pictures I wanted to share.

(Arron channels the creature mentality)
I have always had a nagging interest in Greek Mythology, one that I have never fully satisfied. I am so drawn to the stories of people with such devotion to their beliefs, moral struggles and tests of the human spirit. When I was younger I went through a stage where I couldn't get enough from books carrying on about Terpsichore, Hades, Zeus, Apollo and so on. It seems strange to me that no one has created a really stunning masterpiece of dance using these timeless stories. The inherent drama that they build and the stories they present seem perfect for a balletic reimagining and "Sylvia" just prompts these thoughts in me more and more. It takes the backdrop of some Greek Mythology (character names and references) but then throws it amidst a fairly generic ballet struggle of good guy vs. bad guy to get the girl. Someone needs to make the focus of a ballet the myth's themselves. Imagine the beautiful music that could be composed to accompany these stories. They represent the character and moral struggles that people still deal with today. Have I just missed some existing ballet that has done this already?

(Jackie SHIMMERS!)
On a fun side note Emily Hughes (Olympic skater extraordinare) was on stage last night before the curtain went up. I know, I know, it was perfect blog material that I have missed. How will I ever forgive myself?! Apparently she is around stealing, I mean, getting inspiration for a long program she will be doing to music from the ballet. Will be interesting to see what of Ashton's shows up in the competitions next year!

(Jeff looks sexy....what's new?! You've been blogged Jeff)
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