Stress. Stress. Decompress.

So this week came and went and as some of you may noticed contained about ZERO bloggage. It's the longest period between blogging in a very long while and it feels good, no GREAT, to be sitting back at my computer on this beautiful Sunday morning getting my thoughts out. Sadly those thoughts are coming from a completely lethargic brain.
Speaking of brains, this week I read a really incredible article in the New Yorker talking about a surgery called a hemispherectomy. Basically what this includes is completely removing an entire half of someone's brain as if it were a melon. The doctors go in and skillfully detatch one half from the other and hope for the best in terms of recovery. The brain is so complex that only a slight amount of knowledge is available concerning its adaptability but it is entirely possible to survive with only half a brain. People who have had this surgery are able to train the one remaining side of their brain to take over the functions that would normally be left to the missing half. As I read this article I found myself completely stunned by modern medicine as well as our bodies. I find it strange enough that when a dancer pulls a muscle it can regenerate but to be able to function without a complete half of your brain just astounds me. Sadly I am sitting here with a full brain that is moving especially slow today. That may be in part to the week I had and also the fact that I was out until four in the morning last night. Never a good combo.
This week I managed to annoy the entire male corps by asking endless questions before my debut as a Pirate in "Le Corsaire". Now normally this part would not stress me out too much but being the end of Met Season and seeing as how we already performed this ballet at the start of the season I had literally one put-in rehearsal. Not even on stage. So of course I invited all of my family and friends to witness my dress rehearsal in front of 4000 people. It went as well as I could have hoped and I only had a handful of moments where I had no idea what I was doing. It's a very fun part though that I wish I could have had the chance to do more often. That's what the future is for though! I finally loosened up by Act Three (after a mini-breakdown) and was lucky enough to have a couple of guys really guiding me through it. A special thanks needs to go out to Craig Salstein and Jared Matthews! Would not have made it through very well without them.

(Celebratory McDonald's Pirate toys I got for David and I last night to commemorate his two shows and my debut. Another great addition to my legendary "Wall of Crap!").
I am laying in bed right now as I blog this listening to my favorite Sunday morning music; Sufjan Steven's "Illinois" album. It was really incredible having my dad here and getting to introduce him to my friends and show him the Met for the first time but it feels pretty nice to have my place to myself again. I am such a loner in so many ways that it is very difficult for me to adjust to having my personal space suddenly occupied by another body. My parents are both incredible house guests but sometimes I feel like my dog having anxiety attacks when she doesn't get her food on schedule, just a little antsy. I am not pretending that I am some fully grown adult who is so independent but I must be honest I am enjoying spending this Sunday morning in bed with no plans and the prospect of full rest only eight performances away.
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